ZWO a l'art de proposer des équipements de qualité et pas cher. Si vous cherchez à faire votre mise au point en automatique ou par commande électrique, alors ce robofocus est fait pour vous!
Uranus-C is (IMX585) camera developed by Player One Astronomy, which adopts the newest Sony IMX585 1/1.2” format color sensor. The 2.9um pixel size accommodates a well depth of 38.8Ke with a total of 8.3MP (the resolution is 3856*2180), and the diagonal is 12.85mm.
Une petite caméra idéale pour le guidage mais aussi pour l'imagerie planétaire. Cette version monochrome la rend plus sensible et détectera sans mal les étoiles même faibles.
ZWO power cable for 2 heating resistors, with 2 female RCA type connectors. Connects to the AsiAir Pro remote control system (DC 5.5/2.1mm male plug) and one or two heating resistors with male RCA plug.
Colour Magic C1 Duo-band filter (Hα+OIII) has a high transmittance of over 90% at its center wavelength (500.7nm and 656.6nm). It can effectively improve the quality of the image by making the sky background of the image darker while maximizing the contrast throughout the image, enhancing the contrast of your pictures, and making it easier to display the details of the stars.
In areas with very serious light pollution, this filter can also selectively filter light pollution and cluttered signals through the emission lights of the nebula to achieve the ideal shooting effect.
Player One S series filter using high quality optical glass substrate and multi-layer composite coating technology, which has excellent optical performance in astrophotography.
Optolong OIII 6.5nm filterThis filter is an additional 6.5 nm narrowband OIII filter designed for observing nebulae with a wavelength centered at 500 nm and reduces the transmission of certain wavelengths of light.
Filtre à 3 bandes larges pour l'imagerie du ciel profond (visuel aussi)
Pour les nébuleuses ET galaxies/amas
94% transmission sur les raies H-Alpha, OIII, SII, NII
Coulant 50.8mm vissant (M48)
Nouvelle version avec transmission supérieure
Optolong L-eNhance filter - Recommended for: Dual bandwidth shooting (H-Alpha, OIII and H-Beta) with color CMOS, monochrome and color CCD cameras or DSLR